在英32年目の日本人女性講師(DBSチェック済)による丁寧な1対1のオンライン個人指導。LSE (London School of Economics and Political Science) 修士取得、大手投資銀行の資本市場業務に20年超従事。引退後、ライフワークとして海外子女教育に携わる。トップ校に合格者を多数輩出。
Channing School
City of London School
City of London School for Girls
College Alpin Beau Soleil (Switzerland)
Eton College
Francis Holland Schools
Hampton School
Harrow School
Holland Park School (Band A - the top band)
Ibstock Place School
King's College Wimbledon
Latymer Upper School
Merchant Taylors' School
Notting Hill & Ealing High School
Queen's College
Queen Elizabeth’s School
Queen's Gate School
Radley College
St Augustine's Priory
St Mary’s Calne
St Paul's School
St Paul's Girls' School
South Hampstead High School
Sutton Grammar School
Tiffin School
University College School
Wallington County Grammar School
Westminster Under School & Westminster School
Whitgift School
Wilson’s School